Antarctica Scenery for Flight Sim 2004

Antarctica has some of the most dramatic scenery anywhere, yet it's rendered in FS as a dull plain scattered with snowy rock. This package corrects the coastlines, landclass, textures and mesh for the slice between 30W and 0E, from 68S to the pole. I've also included the set of macros I produced a few years ago covering some of the British Antarctic Survey bases and depots.

It includes:
- Landclass
- LOD8 Mesh
- Coastlines
- Replacement textures
- Some fuel dumps, remote observing posts and a complete base - Halley.


I'll assume you've unzipped the archive :)

You *must* remove certain files from the default FS folders. Not doing this will result in strange coastlines. This is a common problem for all add-on mesh but may be a little more obvious here because more elements than the mesh are being replaced.

is wherever you have FlightSim installed, usually somewhere under "C:\Program Files". To remove the existing files:

- Use Explorer and go to /Scenery/Ocen/Scenery
- Create a backup folder named something like 'A1Backup'.
- Move the following files into the new folder:
+ hydrolantarctic.bgl
+ hydropantarctic2.bgl

- Run FS and add the new scenery area to the Scenery Database. This *isn't* the backup folder you just created, it's the folder this README is in.

- Restart FS and all should be installed correctly. You should probably start at Halley - check on the 'Add-on airports' menus.


- Remove the scenery area from FS' Scenery Database
- Delete the scenery folder from disk
- Move all the backed-up files to their original location in /Scenery/Ocen/Scenery .

Please feel free to mail me with your comments.

Jim Keir